Table of Contents Simon Clarke-1994-Marxs Theory of Crisis Contents 1 Introduction: Marxism and the Theory of Crisis Political Economy and the Necessity of Crisis Marxist Theories of Crisis The Impasse of Contemporary Marxism Marx and the Marxist Theory of Crisis 2 The Theory of Crisis in the Marxist Tradition The Theory of Crisis in the Second International The Marxist Heritage: Engels's Theory of Crisis Kautsky and the Historical Tendencies of Capitalist Accumulation Kautsky's Theory of Secular Overproduction Kautsky's Theory of Crisis Bernstein's Challenge — Reform or Revolution Tugan-Baranowsky and the Necessity of Crisis Hilferding and the Disproportionality Theory of Crisis Competition and the investment cycle The investment cycle and the crisis Stabilisation and the necessity of crisis Rosa Luxemburg's Underconsumptionist Theory of Crisis Crises Associated with the Falling Rate of Profit The Reformulation of Marxist Crisis Theory in the 1970s Class struggle and capitalist crisis Crisis and the law of the tendency for the rate of profit to fall Class Struggle and the Rate of Profit Is There a Marxist Theory of Crisis? 3 Overproduction and Crisis in the Early Works Engels's theory of crisis Marx's Early Development of Engels's Analysis The Dynamics of Capitalist Production and the Tendency to Crisis The Theory of Crisis in the Communist Manifesto The Early Theory of Overproduction and Crisis 4 Production, Circulation and Global Crisis after 1848 The Politics and Theory of Crisis after the 1848 Revolutions The Historical Development of Capitalist Crises Money, Credit and Crisis in the Notebooks of 1851 The Theory of Crisis in 1853 Revolutionary Hopes and the Crisis of 1857 5 Money, Capital and Crisis in the Grundrisse Production and Circulation Money, Crisis and Currency Reform The Money Form and the Possibility of Crisis The Transition from Money to Capital The Self-Expansion of Capital and Overproduction Production and Realisation Marx's Theory of Crisis: One Theory or Three? Disproportionate Production and General Overproduction Competition and Disproportionality Underconsumption and the Tendency to Crisis Disproportionality and the Valorisation of Capital The Tendency for the Rate of Profit to Fall The tendency for the composition of capital to rise The composition of capital and the formation of a relative surplus population The composition of capital and the tendency for the rate of profit to fall The tendency for the rate of profit to fall and the tendency to crisis The Dynamics of Capitalism and the Tendency to Crisis The Methodology of the Grundrisse and the Theory of Crisis 6 Underconsumption, Disproportionality and Overproduction Underconsumption Theories: Malthus and Sismondi Overproduction and Crisis: Say and Ricardo The production of surplus value and the possibility of crisis Disproportionality and general overproduction The tendency to crisis and the critique of political economy The contradictions of capital and the possibility of crisis Money, credit and the possibility of crisis Capitalist production and the possibility of crisis Capitalist Reproduction, Disproportionality and Crisis 7 The Falling Rate of Profit and the Tendency to Crisis The critique of political economy and the falling rate of profit Is there a tendency for the rate of profit to fall? The tendency for the composition of capital to rise The rate of exploitation and the rate of profit The Falling Rate of Profit and Relative Surplus Population The Concentration of Capital, the Rate of Profit and Crisis Internal Contradictions of the Law The mass of profit, the rate of profit and the tendency to crisis The rate of profit, crisis and the depreciation of capital The falling rate of profit and the absolute overaccumulation of capital Overaccumulation and crisis What is the significance of FROP? 8 Crises and the General Law of Capitalist Accumulation The Theory of Crisis in Capital Politics and the Theory of Crisis The Theory of Crisis in the First Volume of Capital The General Law of Capitalist Accumulation Labour shortage, wages and crisis Crises and the historical tendency of capitalist accumulation The Necessity of Crisis and the Periodicity of the Cycle Fixed Capital and the Periodicity of the Cycle Fixed Capital and the Problem of Reproduction Credit and the Investment Cycle 9 Conclusion Bibliography Index